Dress It Up Dressing

Dress It Up Dressing wants to change the way you dress (your salad).

Your salad is healthy, your salad dressing should be too.

We make salad dressings using real ingredients, with an olive oil base, for flavorful dressings that turn every dish into a gourmet meal.

Business Website Address

Founder Image
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Sophia Maroon
Founder Story
I’m a filmmaker by trade, but in the spring of 2012, I was a stay at home mother who was restless to do more. I’ve always loved to cook, and when I thought about returning to work, there was one idea that kept resurfacing: My brother had long held that there was a business to be had in the salad dressing our mother had served us every night growing up. My siblings and I all had the recipe and made it for our families, but my brother believed there was a much bigger opportunity. As I plotted my next career move, in carpool lines, at soccer games, over the umpty-umpth reading of Harold and the Purple Crayon, I thought about dressing. I realized there was more to this than just our mother’s amazing salad dressing recipe, but what? The answer was something I thought many people could relate to!

My life is messy. My children are messy. Standing in my kitchen amid the chaos of dinner and homework and siblings, I crave a little luxury. Don’t we all? When I throw Dress It Up Dressing on my veggies, there is instant glamour. With that one act of dressing, I feel like I’ve prepared a gourmet meal, even if it took less than 30 seconds. It’s like my fairy godmother came in and with a wave of her wand, I’m Cinderella dressed for the ball! My salad is always beautifully dressed (even on the days I’m not!).

Armed with the belief that others might crave a similar transformation, I started sharing salad dressing with my friends, who encouraged me by sharing it with their friends. Soon, I was running a little black market salad dressing operation out of my basement :)

I got lucky when a Whole Foods buyer stumbled across my dressing and said, "we don't sell anything like this, and we should!" They agreed to put it in one store. Today Dress It Up is available at all Whole Foods Market stores nationwide as well as at The Fresh Market, Central Market, Erewhon and numerous other retailers.

Dress It Up Dressing has won several of the most prestigious awards in food, and we've been repeatedly recognized for our social mission. We've had the privilege of partnering with some of our personal heroes, like José Andrés, and World Central Kitchen. Dress It Up Dressing is proud to be part of the B-Corp family and is proudly Woman-Owned.

What began as a bit of a family dare, is now Dressing Up the salad dressing aisle!