
We believe wellbeing isn’t just a science—it’s also an art. Our certified-organic CBD formulas reflect the best of both worlds. Each one is crafted by hand to encourage balance in your body, without altering your mind.

Floramye’s topical and ingestible treatments combine full-spectrum, sun-grown organic hemp extract with aromatic essential oils and other botanicals. Used together or separately, each item in the collection promotes calm in mind, body & complexion.

Business Website Address
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Allison Tryk
Founder Story
Several years ago, Allison had a neck injury, and she found hemp CBD to be more helpful for pain relief than pharmaceuticals. Her husband, a former NFL player, also began using CBD for residual pain from past injuries. They naturally started incorporating CBD oil for skin care and general stress support—Allison has always been a busy entrepreneur, having previously launched a reusable water bottle brand. Three children also keep her on her toes. Allison soon started blending CBD with essential oils for added aromatherapy benefits and healing properties. She gifted them to everyone she knew and got great feedback. She found that launching a brand could help even more people – so she decided to develop the concept for Floramye and bring it to the world.

Corporate responsibility and giving has always been important to Allison. To that end, 5% of the profits from Floramye elixirs are donated to mental health non-profits.