Happy V

Happy V is the world's first vertically integrated women’s wellness company that creates accessible and natural solutions for women’s vaginal health, in various stages of their lives, from their factory straight to your door. This includes products for alleviation and prevention of vaginal infections, BV, UTIs, Yeast Infections, Premenstrual Syndrome, Menopause, and more. Happy V also serves as an educational platform for women to become informed on the A-Z's of women's health.

Business Website Address
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Daniella Levy and Hans Graubard
Founder Story
I began experiencing bacterial vaginosis (BV) five years ago, which not many people talk about but is actually the most common vaginal infection among women ages 15-54. I switched gynecologists five times, and every time they just prescribed me antibiotics, which didn’t actually treat my BV and instead made me more susceptible to other bacterial infections like yeast infections. (That’s because antibiotics don’t solely target bad bacteria, and they may kill the good bacteria, too!). It became an endless cycle, with doctors often dismissing what I was experiencing and how it was impacting my life.

I was so uncomfortable that I stopped doing everyday activities like going out with friends or exercising (since moisture can exacerbate BV), and it was even impacting my ability to concentrate at school or work. The worst part was that I was too embarrassed to talk about it with my friends, my family, my partner — which only made me feel more alone. At one point, I became so frustrated that I began to do my own research and stumbled across some studies about natural ingredients, like probiotics, that help treat symptoms commonly associated with BV and other vaginal infections.

At around the same time, I began dating my current partner, Hans Graubard, whose family owns and operates a manufacturing company that makes natural supplements (vitamins, protein, etc.). When I finally opened up to him about what I had been going through with BV, we decided to combine my experience with his knowledge and access to the world of supplements to create a series of high-quality products for vaginal wellness. Hence, the inception of Happy V.

This was a huge turning point for me (both health-wise and professionally): being able to create effective, safe, and natural products for other women who, like me, were having these experiences and weren’t getting the support or answers they needed is why Happy V was born. What inspires and drives us is delivering solutions to people that need them, relieving them of their discomfort, and, most importantly, helping them feel less alone! It all starts with your state of mind.