Heather’s Choice

At Heather's Choice, we believe that life is full of adventures. Our mission is to put healthy, delicious food in people's packs, no matter where your adventures may take you.

Business Website Address
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Heather Kelly
Founder Story
Heather Kelly is the founder and CEO of Heather's Choice, a line of dehydrated meals and snacks for adventuring made in Anchorage, Alaska. Born and raised in Alaska, Heather is an avid outdoors woman who loves nothing more than packrafting, picking blueberries and planning her next backcountry trip. She is a two time NCAA National Champion and All-American in women's rowing, evolutionary nutritionist and certified psychology of eating coach turned food entrepreneur.

In 2014, after giving away countless meals to friends and family for field testing, Heather took a triple dog dare to turn the dream of Heather's Choice into reality. With a small five-tray dehydrator, she started dehydrating breakfasts, dinners and Packaroons feverishly to meet a growing demand. Five years later, Heather's Choice now employees ten full-time employees, who still work feverishly to keep their customers well-fed.