hello amber

Hello amber is a CBD and wellness brand that creates products to help with stress, anxiety, creativity, and living a more authentic, purposeful, enriched and fulfilling life. We encourage people to create self-care rituals, chase sunsets, and cultivate joy in the small moments.

Business Website Address

Selena Vidya
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Selena Vidya
Founder Story
Selena Vidya is a digital strategist, content creator and coach who firmly believes that wellness and self-care is a non-negotiable in life. After spending years exploring different alternatives to traditional wellness, she found that integrating CBD into her morning and evening rituals was a powerful addition to her life and it helped her work/live to her highest capacity. The CBD wellness space, in general, is still unapproachable to those looking for alternatives to traditional wellness options. Selena hopes to change that through connection, communication and information that helps people create healther lifestyles and self-care practices overall.