
ItyDity is an interactive, NEW product for songwriters to discover and choose a music producer from anywhere around the world and get their songs produced RIGHT. Through an innovative songwriter-producer matching system, ItyDity provides songwriters the ability to test out producers before choosing the best one for their music. Songwriters get a fully produced song, that sounds true to their unique style and is ready for Spotify release.

~ Songwriters, at all stages of their career, can easily navigate through an otherwise complex process and create professional recordings of their songs that feel authentic to their style.

~ In a shift from the traditional music industry, songwriters retain their copyright, secure 100% of master recording ownership and stem file ownership, 100% of their songwriting royalties and FULL CONTROL over their music.

~ Producers (and artists) are held accountable to fair practices and good behavior and workflows are offered for conflict resolution and reporting.

~ Independent producers can gain access to the industry, build their client base and careers, and provide songwriter clients with greater satisfaction.

ItyDity has a more hands-on business model than others. It takes the best of record labels and the best of the DIY era to create a safe, supported environment for songwriters at any stage of their careers. Transform your song from a smart phone recording to a professional product that you can be proud of! Head to

Business Website Address
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Emily Satterlee
Founder Story
“In my 20’s I really struggled to find producers who could do a good job with my songs,” says Emily Satterlee, founder of “It was difficult to sift through the amateurs, and even when working with an elite producer, a lot of times something just felt off.” There were also occasions when Emily says she felt downright dismissed or forced into compromising situations.

To create change, Emily attended Orange Coast College studying music business, recording and production. While she worked on producing her own music, it became clear it would take many years to get to the place she'd like to be. Instead she became obsessed with discovering the secret to finding the perfect producer match and teaching other songwriters how to do the same. Thus ItyDity was born.

ItyDity is an innovative music production company that makes it safer and easier for songwriters to produce their songs. “We’re sort of like a boutique concierge for song production,” says Emily. ItyDity is a program to guide songwriters through the process getting a professionally produced song, while keeping them safe and empowering them to feel proud of their music.