Jules Threads LLC

Jules Threads is a unique women's specific cycling brand build around comfort and beauty. Our goal is to empower more women to bike, and we believe it's so much more than just a ride - it's about the connections that you make along the way.

Business Website Address

Julie Pitts, owner
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Julie Pitts
Founder Story
I always dreamed about owning my own business, but really didn’t know if it was possible for me. Growing up in rural Florida, where I currently live, I developed a love of the outdoors at a very young age. Conditions here for outdoor activities are near-perfect year round – it’s amazing! When I discovered cycling almost 20 years ago, it was a perfect fit for me. Sometimes I can’t choose between a smooth road ride, a mountain bike shred session, or a gravel adventure. My love of the sport grew into creating a business designed around women’s fashion and the special bond we share riding together. We all ride for different reasons, and the connections we make along the way are as important as the ride itself. That’s why our motto is: Share your experiences, laugh with friends, inspire others, and ride!