Lark Love

Lark Love is a body positive, all botanical, women focused, luxury intimate care company.
Using the power of active botanicals with the hydrating benefits of hyaluronic acid, Lark Love’s products are much like a fancy face serum, except made with reverence for the world’s most important organ.
The women founders of Lark Love looked around and saw that there were beautiful body products available for every body part except for the vagina. (In today’s marketplace, there are luxury products available for face or hair, even feet!)
Lark Love decided that it was time to change that dynamic.
Women experience vaginal dryness many times throughout the course of a year, the course of a month, even a day. There is a myriad of reasons for skin dryness, but what doesn’t change is the fact that women deserve a beautiful shame free product that is thoughtfully formulated for their health and wellness.
Exquisite ingredients are thoughtfully chosen in each of Lark Love’s carefully curated intimate formulas because women’s bodies should be loved and revered.
From our daily hydrating elixir to our botanical sexy time serum to our most gentle organic personal lubricant, our products are made with you in mind, because you deserve luxury shame free sexual wellness.

Business Website Address
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Rainbow Shultz and Corrie Bradley
Founder Story
We are currently experiencing a sexual wellness industry explosion across all aspects and sectors of the industry. From open menopause conversation circles to an ever-expanding entourage of sexual toys and gadgets, today's consumer is empowered to feel comfortable purchasing products that contribute to their sexual wellness. Forgotten in this conversation, however, are the bodies that purchase products. Through the work of the third wave of feminism, women today are waking up to a new sense of body autonomy and self-care with a recognition of their worth and value. Love Organic Personal Lubricant is formulated for these bodies, made not with petroleum and propylene glycol, but with peony and passion flower. Not with ingredients formulated with the sole intention to decrease friction, but with the intention to hydrate, nourish and honor.
Personal Lubricants have been around for thousands of years, but until quite recently, they have always been made by men, for the comfort of men as an objective.

Rainbow and Corrie are a chef and an herbalist and longtime friends who enjoy the occasional all day all night deep delve conversation into the many mysteries of the world. When considering the lube paradigm, they realized that it was simply time for this dynamic to be over. Lubricants are applied to a woman's most absorbent tissue. The ingredients that lubricants are formulated with are a direct physical manifestation of the respect and care that we afford them. At Lark Love, we created a product whose intention transforms women's bodies from the object of a male's gaze, to the subject of an empowered woman's pleasure. Love is formulated for vaginal health, contained in sustainable glass bottles, sold in beautiful artistic packaging, is doctor recommended, is condom compatible, made in the USA, is vegan and women owned. Each bottle celebrates women's bodies rather than tackles a problem to be solved. Love represents the new paradigm, where daily sexual wellness body products are available to women to purchase in a beautiful, shame free, liberating transaction.