Ma Wovens

Ma Wovens is a conscious woven goods brand based out of Portland, OR. Our product is The Ritual Rug, a hand woven yoga mat made with organic hemp and non-toxic yoga mat foam. Designed by the founder, this unique product ( which resembles a traditional yoga rug, but offers has cushion and grip) is made by master weavers in Norther India.

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Founder Image
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Kelly Peyton
Founder Story
Kelly always had an issue with the typical yoga mat. With her sweaty hands always slipping and sliding around, she found it difficult to focus in yoga classes. In 2015, she attended a yoga teacher training in Mexico, and while she was surrounded by all the beautiful handwoven goods, and learning about yogic philosophy, she had the epiphany of a handwoven yoga mat. Upon returning home, she enrolled in a weaving class, sliced up her yoga mat, and began experimenting. 2 years and dozens of prototypes later, Peyton set off to source materials and manufacturing around the world. After a week of working hands on with master weaver in India, The Ritual Rug was born. Where she set out originally to create a glorified, better-functioning yoga mat, over time The Ritual Rug has broadened it's identity as much more into a special place to explore healing through a variety of different modalities, rituals, and practices.