
Coconut scented flip flops with a cork sole. Unisex and available in 5 different sizes.

Business Website Address

Kim Naioti, Founder and CEO
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Kim Naioti
Founder Story
This was company was launched after many years as a stay @home mom of three kids. Living near the beach my home was covered with stinky flip flops. This past summer my mudroom smelled like coconuts!
Right before it was launched my 15 year old daughter was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. Caught early after a knee injury running track we were shortly after in treatment at the Jimmy Fund, Boston. She is a warrior! She finished treatment and is currently working hard in physical therapy and school. I have decided to donate a percentage of all proceeds to cancer care in the Boston area.

Now lets all let the smell of coconuts keep us focused on the beach days ahead! Thank you for visiting this page.
