The Bitter Housewife

“What makes The Bitter Housewife, bitter?” Being told an Old Fashioned shouldn’t have a cherry in it. An eye roll because I ask for cheap bourbon and a perfect ice cube. Drinks shouldn’t have rules.

We’re here to let you off the hook and encourage you to embrace what you like. You can’t stand the taste of whiskey, there’s no shame in that. Prefer your wine in a juice glass? Me too! You don’t drink alcohol at all? We support that.

The Bitter Housewife was created for me and my whiskey-drinking friends. We don’t want to be talked down to and we don’t want to be told what we like isn’t “correct”. I don't believe cocktails should be intimidating or that you need a whole new vocabulary to talk about them. I also don't believe you always need to have a cocktail. I do believe in great taste, real ingredients, and fun.

Let’s be bitterly honest. It is just drinks after all.

Business Website Address

Genevieve Brazelton
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Genevieve Brazelton
Founder Story
About 8 years ago I made cocktail bitters at home on a whim to see if they were better than what I could already find. They were not only better, it was clear what a difference using real ingredients made. As I researched the market further, I noticed no one was making cocktail bitters or any sort of cocktail ingredient really that spoke to me. Most were made by male bartenders and were clearly speaking to “cocktail geeks” with lots of jargon and inside language. What did speak to women was marketed as “skinny” and felt totally condescending. So I created The Bitter Housewife to educate anyone interested in making cocktails on the balance of flavors, how important real ingredients are, and what makes a great drink. We meet our customers at whatever level of experience they have with a fun, playful approach.