Unruly Women LLC


Unruly Women’s mission is to help create a more inclusive and accessible outdoor experience that empowers all women and femme-leaning non-binary individuals to reclaim their voice by unearthing their inner wild outdoors, through backpacking, hiking, mountain biking, and land stewardship projects. By immersing ourselves in nature and participating in the often scary or intimidating, but exciting outdoor recreation activities, we learn valuable skills, create community, and inevitably learn more about ourselves without the external influence of who we’re expected to be.
Unruly Women offers a variety of biking and backpacking retreats, one-to-one mountain bike coaching, free workshops and clinics, free weekly mountain bike group rides, monthly urban road cycling group rides, and gravel group rides. Events are focused around mindfulness and community. There will be new opportunities and events this coming winter, details to come!
Unruly Women is a social impact company. The cost to attend an Unruly Women retreat is typically 75-85% lower cost than other guided excursions because I believe that participating in and enjoying these experiences shouldn’t be an additional financial hardship to the already very expensive barrier that is outdoor recreation. By charging less, it doesn’t mean I have any less experience, that individuals will have any less fun, or that the experiences will be any less safe or compromised in any way.
There are also additional discounts to BIPOC and LGBTQ+ individuals and scholarships to Unruly Women retreats prioritizing support for individuals who have been historically excluded and underrepresented in outdoor spaces. This year, I was also able to offer an ASL interpreter for select retreats, at no extra cost to the individual(s) attending. I am hoping to be able to do this again next year.
In addition to the scholarship fund, I am also trying to grow the Unruly Women Gear Closet through my own purchases and the kindness of others’ financial and/or gear contributions, to help eliminate the need for individuals to have to purchase or rent gear in order to participate in these retreats. By doing so, my hope is that individuals won’t need to make a financial investment into a recreation activity they don’t know if they even like yet, or what gear they like, yet.

Business Website Address
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Monica Shoberg
Founder Story
Having worked in the medical world for 8 years, I was unsuccessful balancing work and life inevitably leading to burnout in my dream-career. The pandemic triggered a series of events leading to the pursuit of my wildest dreams. I dreamt of spending more time outdoors with like-minded individuals who care about each other and the planet. This snowballed into a deep desire to empower women and femme-leaning non-binary folks to stand up for themselves and each other, to help them learn to listen to their intuition and follow their gut, ultimately building confidence in learning to trust themselves. I’ve learned that in nature, away from distractions, we can more easily connect with ourselves, quieting the outside noise allowing the inner voice to be heard. Guiding some friends in the mountains in Oregon, led me to believe that I could do life differently. I created Unruly Women to empower individuals through outdoors recreation and skill building. I'm a certified Wilderness First Responder, BICP mountain bike instructor, and have guided numerous backpacking and mountain biking retreats, coached one-to-one mountain bike sessions, free workshops, clinics, and group rides. Unruly Women is still evolving and each year it becomes more of what I dream it will be. I believe in community over competition, striving to collaborate and create, and believe there is always room for more. And just because it's the way it's always been done, does not mean that's how it should be or that it can't be done a different way.