
We're your social good marketplace. We scour the continent of Africa for the most beautiful, exceptionally handmade goods so that you don't have to. And then we donate 100% of all sales to our microlending program in Kenya. Pretty cool, right?

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Founder Image
Founder(s), CEO and/or President Jen Gurecki
Founder Story
Long before Jen founded Coalition Snow, a women-owned and operated ski and snowboard brand, she spent nearly a decade building Zawadisha, a social enterprise whose mission is to provide small loans to rural Kenyan women to finance their livelihoods. She has a master’s degree from Prescott College (why she first went to Kenya in the first place) and dropped out of their PhD program when she realized that being a CEO was more productive than being a grad student. She spends her evenings recording the podcast Juicy Bits, reminiscing about her 70-day cycling trip across Africa, and coming up with new business ideas that are sure to make her parents proud. Like her latest creation, Après Delight. She's been featured on the CNBC show Adventure Capitalists where she turned down a $1 million offer from Bode Miller and she's a seasoned public speaker who sometimes can deliver a talk without dropping an F bomb.