Nui Organics

Nui Organics create high-quality, low-impact apparel for women and kids in timeless, long-lasting styles using only sustainable materials and an ethical supply chain. Merino wool is our hero fibre and we deliver it in 100% organic merino and in blends with linen, silk and cotton, as knitwear, base layers, underwear, socks, accessories and more. Nui: raising the baa since 2004.

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Founder(s), CEO and/or President Amanda Searancke
Amanda was born and raised in Aotearoa New Zealand. Her rural coastal childhood instilled in her a lifelong love of the great outdoors and a passion to preserve it for future generations.

She started Nui in 2004 with a small collection of organic merino wool baby blankets. Her guiding philosophy has always been to make something good, that causes no harm, and provides a safe, natural alternative to something that didn’t. Fast forward 20 years and that’s still the brand's philosophy, and Nui is worn by families around the globe.

Nui want to continue to make it even easier for people to make good clothing choices for their family. The fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world. A collective shift to a better way of producing clothes will have a huge impact on the health of people and our planet.