GU Energy Labs

Discover effective energy supplements & nutrition for athletes designed for energy, hydration and recovery. Fuel your next workout with GU Energy Labs. Shop now!

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Founder(s), CEO and/or President Magdalena Boulet
GU President Magda Boulet got her first job with GU in 1999. At that time, she was seeking advice for fueling her post-college (UC Berkeley) running nutrition goals. She began in the company's research department, eventually working her way up to lead research assistant, collaborating with GU co-founder Dr. Bill Vaughan.

In 2007, Magda left GU to pursue a professional running career, which included earning a spot on the 2008 U.S. Olympic Marathon Team and multiple World Cross Country Championship team medals. In 2013, she returned to GU as Vice President, leading several departments including Research & Development and Innovation.

Magda was named GU President in 2021 and now collaborates with Dr. Bill Vaughan's son, Brian Vaughan. In Boulet’s new role, she sees expanding inclusivity as one of her main goals. In addition to serving as GU's President, Magda is a dedicated mother, wife, and professional runner.